As a second lockdown continues and many of us are once again working from home, the line between work-life and personal-life can very easily become blurred.
Having a work-life balance is important for mental health, particularly for those who already have problems such as depression or anxiety (including related problems such as OCD, worry, health anxiety or panic attacks) which may become exacerbated by the restrictions in place.
Striking the right balance between business and pleasure will help your mood will improve and decrease stress. It will also help you to feel better both at work, and when you are spending time not working.
To help find this work-life balance, Dr Stuart Sadler, our psychologist in Newcastle has some tips.
Keep a Routine
With it being harder than ever to ‘clock off’ at the end of the day, many of us are guilty of working beyond their expected hours or well into the evening, but this can be damaging.
Dr Sadler, our psychologist In Newcastle, always recommends setting clear start and end points to the working day and sticking to them. You should also try and stick to your previous routine as much as possible, even if you have to adjust what you do slightly due to restrictions or any other reason.
If you used to get up for early morning gym classes, make sure you at least get up and go for a walk or some other form of exercise to take important time out of your day for yourself.
Now that many of our offices and its equipment has been brought home, it can be difficult to unplug from technology when necessary.
This can include work emails or calendars but also includes social browsing. Take some time to disconnect from technology, which will help you to relax naturally.
After you’ve completed your day, limit screen time to at least 2 hours before bed, which can help you to wind down and get a better night’s sleep, to help you feel less stressed and more refreshed the next day.
Mindfulness Meditation
There’s no questioning it – this is a stressful time for everyone, with routines overhauled and new ways of doing things to adjust too. Taking time to be more in contact with yourself and the present is now even more important than ever.
One of the best ways to reduce stress which can be practiced at home and for free is mindfulness meditation. This can be done with apps, videos or even online in one to one or small groups with our own Mindfulness and meditation teacher, Michael Atkinson (Specialist Mindfulness Teacher).
Focusing on the present and reflecting constructively on your thoughts can help you to deal with issues and Dr Sadler, our psychologist in Newcastle, or Michael can offer mindfulness training.
Contact us for Further Help
If you feel that you need more helpful coping strategies to help you manage, contact us using the box below, or call us today on 07966 645198.

Best wishes,
Dr Stuart Sadler
Lead Clinical Psychologist