The Importance of Self-Care for Battling Depression

Depression can be a relentless foe, draining your energy and motivation to the point where even basic tasks feel overwhelming. It can make it difficult to work, socialise, or even…

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The Impact of Mental Illness on Daily Life

Mental illness can affect every aspect of our daily lives, presenting challenges that may seem insurmountable at times. From the mundane tasks such as getting out of bed, to more…

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Tips & Strategies for Managing Anger in the Home

Anger is a natural emotion that can serve as a source of energy or motivation when channelled effectively. However, unmanaged anger in the home can escalate into hurtful actions and…

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The Role of Boundaries in Maintaining Healthy Relationships

In the intricate dance of human connections, the concept of boundaries often emerges as a fundamental aspect of fostering healthy relationships. Far from being restrictive walls, boundaries are the foundation…

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The Connection Between Depression & Irritability

When it comes to understanding depression, many people associate it with feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of energy. However, depression doesn’t always manifest the same way in everyone…

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Mental Health Services in the UK

With many of us now open to talking about our mental health more than ever before, it’s important to also know about the range of support available. As psychologists and…

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Anger Management Techniques for Couples

In some relationships, anger can begin to emerge as a common yet serious issue - leading to lingering grudges, frequent fights, emotional distance, and overall disruption. Experiencing anger in a…

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Workplace Stress and Mental Health

On the whole, having a job is of huge benefit to our health and overall attitude towards life. However, when we face significant stress in the workplace, it often outweighs…

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