Hypnotherapy Newcastle

Hypnotherapy Newcastle

Woman listening to therapist during hypnotherapy session

Life isn’t always easy and sometimes we develop unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with day to day stressors.

Problems like physical tension, phobias, lack of confidence and over-eating fall under this umbrella, but sometimes we simply develop bad habits that do not help us in feeling positive and happy, like negative self-talk.

All these things can lead to a decline in both mental and physical health, causing stress, anxiety, and depression. Many of these problems, such as fears or physical tension, come from a place that aren’t rooted in our conscious thoughts. This is where hypnotherapy comes in.

Hypnotherapy focuses on engaging the unconscious mind and assists you in unconsciously choosing to change the way you behave, leading to different ways of responding to certain situations.

Specialist Hypnotherapy in Newcastle

Our Specialist Hypnotherapists are experienced in providing hypnotherapy for adults from our hypnotherapy clinic in Newcastle. Many of our clients have already found hypnotherapy to be an effective method of helping them deal with a range of problems (some of which you might be experiencing) either by itself or as part of a wider therapy programme. Our hypnotherapy services in Newcastle can help you overcome problems relating to: Before your session, our Newcastle based hypnotherapist will discuss your goals and aims for hypnotherapy with you (whether it’s about giving up a bad habit, overcoming a phobia, treating a chronic pain or helping with another problem) and explain the process. By getting to know about your problem better, your hypnotherapist will be able to decide with you the best way they can help and whether hypnotherapy might be right for you.

What Happens During Hypnotherapy?

If you’re looking for hypnotherapy in Newcastle, it is important to highlight that our hypnotherapists are fully trained and experienced in therapeutic hypnosis, and work to the highest ethical standards and guidelines set out by their governing body.  

During hypnotherapy, you will be eased into a state of relaxation by your hypnotherapist, where you will remain in full control of yourself and your thoughts throughout.  You will always be fully aware of what is happening during and what is said during each hypnotherapy session.  

You cannot be hypnotised against your will and your hypnotherapist cannot force unwanted change upon you.  Similarly you cannot be hypnotised into forgetting.  

Many of our clients describe hypnotherapy as being like a feeling of deep relaxation.  During which, the busy conscious mind is calmed, allowing the therapist to communicate with the subconscious and help calm any tension and encourage positive change.  

After your session, your hypnotherapist will help you to reinforce some agreed helpful messages to yourself, and assist you towards your goals so you can overcome what has been bothering you and help you get on with life.

Hypnotherapy at Newcastle Psychologist and Counselling

At Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling, our Specialist Hypnotherapist, Claire, is able to assist you in changing your behaviour to overcome difficult situations and improve your life.  

By coming to see us for hypnotherapy, we can help you overcome longstanding challenges, such as phobias, bad habits, lack of confidence, and others to help you function better day to day.

If you’re suffering from any of the problems listed above and think that hypnotherapy could benefit you, contact us today to book an appointment at our hypnotherapy clinic in Newcastle by using the message box below or call us on 07966 645 198.

Contact Dr Stuart Sadler about Hypnotherapy Newcastle

If you would like further information about how we can help, complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible:

Support Form (#3)

How To Find Our Gosforth Clinic

Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling, Dobson House, Regent Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3PF

How To Find Our Jesmond Clinic

Fleming Business Centre, Burdon Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 3AE.

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