4 Simple Ways to Improve your Mental Health

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Counsellors in Newcastle

When we work on improving our wellbeing, many people focus on exercising more or eating healthier.  While these are important, being healthy in how we think and feel is just as vital for our bodies, and for our mental health.

There are many ways that you can start to prioritise and improve your mental health.  Some of these changes include small adjustments to your lifestyle, habits, or focused self-care.  Doing any of these in combination or in isolation can improve your mood, motivation, energy levels, and overall outlook on life.

Our experienced team of Psychologists, Counsellors and Therapists at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling have created this brief guide on things you can do to improve your mental health on a day to day basis.

1. Get Some Fresh Air

Our therapists and counsellors at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling recommend getting outside everyday – even if only for ten minutes. 

This might be going for a walk, doing some other form of exercise, or even just doing errands.   Going  outside helps our body get sunlight and fresh air, both of which help us feel better.  Outdoor activity can put the brain into a ‘feel-good’ state and so this should be done every day.

Any form of exercise or outdoor activity can be helpful.   So if you start to feel stressed, anxious or low, consider taking yourself for a walk or some other form of activity as soon as you can.

2. Keep In Touch with Loved Ones

Making time for friends and family can be difficult when you’re juggling work, life and home commitments.  In spite of this, distracting yourself and making time for socialising (even if over the telephone or online) are key to good mental health.

If you are unable to connect with loved ones, having a pet has also been shown to improve mental health.  The act of caring for something (whether another person or animal) has been show to release hormones such as oxytocin which can help improve our mood and lower stress.

3. Do More of What You Enjoy

Look after yourself – do more of the things that you enjoy even if that means saying no to other things!

Whether that means taking a hot bath, playing video games, or cooking yourself a wholesome meal, it’s important to look after yourself and do things which soothe you.  This might be saying no to, or putting on the back-burner, things that you don’t really want to do right now.

Many of us fill up our time with commitments rather than time for ourselves.  Taking time to do more of what nourishes us is a great way to feel improve mental health.

4. See a Therapist

Even doing all of the above can still not be enough for some people, depending on their situation, in which case it can be useful to seek professional help.

For Further Help

Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling offer a range of therapies (including Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, CBT) for a range of problems to you overcome your problems.  All therapies are delivered by qualified and experienced counsellors, psychologists and therapists to ensure you get the best help possible.

So if you’re suffering from depression, anxiety,sleep issues, anger problems, or any other problem with your mental health, contact us today using the box below or call us now on 07966 645198.

Best wishes,

Dr Stuart Sadler

Lead Clinical Psychologist