Anxiety & Depression in Children

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As anxiety levels have risen in the adult population, the number of children experiencing anxiety symptoms has risen too.

Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents/teenagers is a common mental health problem that our psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists see when offering children’s counselling in Newcastle (and online).

According to recent research, around 1 in 5 children experience difficulties with their mental health, including problems with depression and anxiety.

Here are some reasons for why children might experience such problems:

Screentime Over Play

Children tend to live a much more sedentary lifestyle compared with the outside playtime children enjoyed in previous generations.

This might be because “screen time” has replaced a lot of the outdoor socialising and play traditionally associated with childhood.

When children play with others, they learn social skills, get to experiment and learn about the world, and also learn to release feelings of distress.

When children remain sedentary for extends periods of time, it has a negative impact on their health and wellbeing, as well as their development.

In fact, several studies show a relationship between inactivity and developing problems with depression.
If you feel your son or daughter would benefit from children’s counselling in Newcastle (or online), we can provide you with the opportunity to discuss your concerns around any symptoms of depression or anxiety your child might be showing.

Social Media Usage

Some parents believe their child’s difficulties with anxiety and depression symptoms are linked to social media, and with good reason.

Though positive social media use can help improve mood and enhance health, there has also been significant research to show that social media usage can cause low self-esteem and increase anxiety and low mood in children.

By encouraging screen time breaks and outdoor activities with peers, you can decrease the risk of your child being exposed to anxiety and depression, as well as help them live in the present and enjoy activity.

What If…? Thinking

Children are inquisitive by nature – it is common for a child to question ‘why?’ to every statement said by a parent or to ask questions about new information they encounter.

An under-recognised sign that a child could be experiencing anxiety comes when a child asks ‘what if…?’ questions…

If your child is repeatedly asking ‘what if…?’ questions about negative imaginary events and logical answers do not provide adequate reassurance, it is a clear sign of anxiety and underlying worry.

Many anxious adults also struggle with negative ‘what if?’ questions too, and for adults and children alike, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective approach for dealing with these anxious thoughts. CBT, coupled with child specific approaches, such as family therapy or family counselling, play therapy and other children’s counselling approaches can help your son or daughter learn to cope with their worries more easily.

Contact us about Children’s Counselling in Newcastle

There are many ways to support your child if they experience frequent symptoms of depression or anxiety and intervention in mental health problems in childhood has a fundamentally positive impact on a child’s development.

If you feel your son or daughter is showing signs of depression, anxiety or other difficulties, the additional support from a trained counsellor, psychologist or psychotherapist offering children’s counselling in Newcastle is available.

Fill in the box below or 07966 645 198 to speak to a member of the team today about children’s counselling in Newcastle (or online).

Best wishes,

Dr Stuart Sadler

Lead Clinical Psychologist