Is Online Therapy Useful?

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online therapy

There has been a recent resurgence in the number of websites and apps offering online therapy.

Usually, the given promise is that you will be matched with a counsellor able to see you at your own convenience, however there is often no way of being able to check their expertise or to speak to them beforehand to see if they are a good match.

When you seek out the online therapy service of a recognised clinic, such as here at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling, you can be rest assured your therapists are fully qualified, have years of experience, and are willing to speak to you before your session to make sure they are a good match for you.

Here are some other ways that online therapy at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling can help:

Added Convenience

Research following lock down has reliably shown that online therapy can be just as effective as face-to face therapy, and studies have been conducted using a range of ages, offering CBT and counselling for children and adolescelents, as well as online counselling for adults.

Counselling and therapy through Skype, Facetime, Zoom, WhatsApp Video and even Telephone have been found to increase the flexibility of online therapy and online counselling, while also maintaining its effectiveness.

This means that if technology is not your area of expertise, telephone appointments can still provide you with the ability to speak to an experienced counsellor.

This can be especially useful for those who struggle with anxiety, those with poor internet signal, or experience difficulties leaving the house.

Easier Accessibility

Certain difficulties (such as depression, OCD, or trauma) can prevent a person from leaving their house, even if it’s to get help.

Fortunately, online therapy (including online CBT) has become much more accessible recently and now counselling can be accessed from your own home, office or even in your car!

Therapies that were previously only thought of as being available in a clinic, such as CBT, Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), family counselling and even EMDR are all now available and accessible to you at home, and to the same standard as if you were seeing your therapist in a clinic.

Flexible Times Available

Since online therapy does not require travel to a clinic or office space, many counsellors, psychologists and therapists are able to offer a wider range of appointment times.

At Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling, all of our therapists are able to offer extra times only available for online appointments, as well as those times reserved for face-to-face slots. 

With our therapists, there is also the option of ‘hybrid’ therapy, which can include a mixture of online therapy and face-to-face sessions to suit you as required.

You can discuss this with your therapist prior to booking an appointment.

Contact Us About Online Therapy

All of our counsellors, psychologists and therapists are skilled and experienced at delivering online therapy (including online CBT and online counselling) to help you overcome your problems.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of online therapy in Newcastle or you want to see one of our specialists from elsewhere in the country, contact us so we can help you overcome your difficulties and stay well for longer.

Fill in the box below or call us on 07966 645 198 to speak to a member of the team today.

Best wishes,

Dr Stuart Sadler

Lead Clinical Psychologist