Tips & Strategies for Managing Anger in the Home

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angry man before anger management therapy

Anger is a natural emotion that can serve as a source of energy or motivation when channelled effectively. However, unmanaged anger in the home can escalate into hurtful actions and negatively impact family dynamics.

Being around lots of conflict and yelling is not good for the development of children, as they need to feel safe and secure to grow and thrive.

Having the ability to manage your anger in healthy ways can bring a calmer atmosphere to your home, as well as setting a positive example for your child.

As family therapy providers, our team at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling understand the challenges parents face in balancing various demands, contributing to heightened emotions.

In this blog, we’ll explore valuable tips and strategies for managing anger within the home.

Understanding Anger

It’s common for parents to face anger, often triggered by the demands of raising children, disagreements with partners, or external stressors such as work and finances.

To be able to manage these stressors effectively, it is crucial to be able to recognise early signs of anger – including a faster heart rate, feeling easily irritated, and negative thoughts.

The next step to managing anger is acknowledging and verbalising your emotions, even if only to yourself. Admitting, “I’m feeling angry,” is the first step to control.

Strategies to Manage Anger

If you struggle to keep anger at bay in the home, here are some strategies that can help:

  • Check Yourself: Recognise early warning signs of irritation and step away or practice relaxation techniques.
  • Don’t Dwell: Let go of past incidents and focus on positive aspects to prevent dwelling on negative experiences.
  • Change Your Thinking: Use cognitive restructuring, a strategy taught in our anger management therapy, to replace unhelpful thoughts with more rational ones.
  • Relax: Incorporate relaxation strategies such as deep breathing to soothe angry feelings, especially in moments where stepping away isn’t possible. Ensure your child is safe before taking time for self-reflection.
  • Improve Communication: Listen before reacting, carefully consider responses, and take breaks when necessary.
  • Get Active: Regular physical exercise helps release tension and reduces stress, contributing to better anger management.
  • Recognise Triggers: Identify and avoid situations that commonly lead to anger, adapting your schedule or environment when possible.
  • Reflection: After calming down, reflect on the triggers and your reactions. Learning from these experiences enhances future coping mechanisms.

Anger Management Therapy Newcastle

Setting a positive example by managing anger in healthy ways contributes to a nurturing family environment.

If you feel like your anger is becoming overwhelming and unable to control, our team of psychologists and counsellors at Newcastle Psychologist can provide tailored strategies and support to effectively manage anger within the family.

To schedule your initial appointment with one of our Anger Management specialists in Newcastle Upon Tyne, send us a message using the box below or call us on 07966645198 today.

Best wishes,

Dr Stuart Sadler

Lead Clinical Psychologist

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