Tackling Anxiety & School Refusal in Children

Children’s mental health is an increasingly urgent issue, with a surge in referrals for support across the UK. Factors such as academic demands, social pressures, and global uncertainties—exacerbated by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic—have contributed to an increased prevalence of mental health concerns among children. According to the NHS, approximately one in six children … Read more

Common Child Developmental Illnesses & How to Detect Them

Being a parent is challenging, with all children providing a level of difficulty that can be hard to navigate. However, being able to tell whether your child is just going through a stage, or if they have a developmental illness is tricky. Developmental illnesses are described as physical, emotional, or intellectual disorders that children are … Read more

Supporting Children Through Grief and Loss

For children, experiencing a bereavement can often be a confusing and difficult process. When a family pet or loved one dies, there are many different ways that children show their grief, which vary from adults. Grief and loss are amongst the common issues that children may be struggling with, where parents get in touch with … Read more

How to Help your Child Deal with Difficult Emotions

Teaching your children how to regulate their emotions is an important part of being a parent, though this can be tough sometimes. Parenting doesn’t come with a guide or handbook, and it’s inevitable many parents will need advice, help or guidance at some point, especially if their child is having difficulties managing their emotions. If … Read more

Which is the Best Specialist for Your Child – Child Counsellor, Behaviour Specialist, or Child Psychologist in Newcastle

As parents looking out for your children’s best interests, finding the best help when they experience distress or emotional problems can be confusing. Knowing whether you need to see a Child Counsellor, Child Psychologist or Child & Adolescent Behavioural Specialist can be difficult to decide but Dr Stuart Sadler (Chartered Clinical Psychologist), and our Child … Read more

Is Your Child Struggling with Lockdown?

Being a child or young adult can be a confusing time as they continue to grow and have to learn to manage their emotions. During lockdown, many children and young people have been cut off from face-to-face social contact with their friends and peers, finding themselves unable to go outside in the way they want, … Read more