How to Raise your Self-Esteem

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Low self-esteem and a lack of self confidence are common problems that many people experience.

Sometimes self-esteem and confidence problems can occur as a result of sudden change or trauma, such as a health issue, physical assault, or becoming unemployed. For others it can be indicative of a more longstanding problem, such as other mental health difficulties or traumatic experiences from childhood.

The root cause of the problem might not always be initially obvious, however working with our team of counsellors in Newcastle can help to identify and work with you to raise your self-esteem and overall confidence.

Here are some ways to help raise your self-esteem and confidence:

1. Get out of Toxic Relationships

We often find that other people can make us feel better, or they can make us feel worse.

If you find that you have a number of people in your life that criticise or berate you, it might be worth re-evaluating whether these are healthy relationships for you. Being around people that regularly criticise you or make you feel bad can be detrimental to mental health, and eat away at confidence and self-esteem.

Though it can be difficult to leave such relationships (whether partners, family members, or friendships), it is important to recognise that spending time around these people can keep you trapped in a cycle of feeling bad and criticised.

Instead, spend time and develop relationships that are nurturing and supportive so that you can start to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem without it being knocked down.

2. Be Kind to Yourself

In recent times, social media has popularised the idea of self-love and self-care with advice to take a bubble bath and enjoy a hot chocolate in nature. While these are important, it is also important to consider and monitor the way in which you talk to yourself.

Our self-esteem and confidence counsellors in Newcastle are trained in a number of therapies to help increase self-caring and self-compassion. One of these therapies is Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), which focuses on how we relate to and soothe the inner critic.

Learning to increase kindness and compassion to yourself helps build confidence and self-esteem, as well as help you cope with difficult anxieties or reduce self-criticism.

3. Increase Your Wellness Activities

As well as how you talk to yourself, it is important that you are also engaging with activities that give you a sense of achievement and happiness.

Research into the best activities show that the combination of “mastery” and “enjoyment” are the best pursuits for increasing confidence and self-esteem and so whatever activity you choose, the best ones are those that you can see yourself improving at, and those that you enjoy.

Some of our therapists use interest checklists and/or can help you explore your values through approaches such as Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) (as well as Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, or CBT) so that you can build a lifestyle that includes pleasure, wellness and achievement.

4. Talk to a Counsellor, Psychologist or Therapist

While many of the above strategies are excellent for helping you improve confidence and self-esteem, they can only have a limited impact if your problems are due to deeper issues such as anxiety, depression or wider mental health difficulties.

A qualified professional should be the person you take advice from as they can advise the best way to help you individually, or with friends and family, in a structured and supportive way.

Our counsellors in Newcastle are experienced in helping adultschildren, couples and families overcome a range of problems that impact confidence and self-esteem. If your low self-esteem stems from trauma, stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental health problem, the counsellors at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling will be able to give you the support you need.

Contact Us Today

If you are having trouble with your self-esteem or self-confidence, contact us by filling in the box below or call us on 07966 645 198 to see how we can help.

Dr Stuart Sadler (Chartered Psychologist)

Best wishes,

Dr Stuart Sadler

Lead Clinical Psychologist

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