Any relationship, whether you are LGBTQ+, married, polyamorous, in a long-distance relationship, or any other form of relationship, requires both parties to be committed to making it work in order for the relationship to be healthy and fruitful in the long-term.
Couples counselling in Newcastle, or online counselling, at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling is a confidential and supportive private couples counselling service to help you work through the problems you want to discuss with a trained relationship counsellor or marriage guidance professional.
Often there is an underlying cause for re-occurring problems that a trained therapist can help to uncover and solve with you.
Here are some of the ways in which relationship counselling can help.
1. Helping You to Resolve Problems
Even when two people are committed to their relationship, not all issues can be fixed overnight and sometimes they can reoccur despite both people thinking the situation had been resolved.
Therapy can help you to understand yourself, your partner, and your relationship in new ways, and while we might know our partners well, persistent problems can be a result of poor communication leading to a lack of understanding.
By increasing your understanding of your both yourself and your partner on a deeper level, you are primed to enjoy a longer relationship with more fulfilment and overcome whatever problems are coming up in your relationship.
2. Overcoming Attachment Issues
Many people are unaware of how their attachment style affects their present relationships.
If you have experienced difficulties or trauma during your life, it might be that attachment difficulties have formed which make it hard for you to relate to your partner in the way you want.
Attachment difficulties can arise from childhood and the way that our parent’s raised us, or they can arise from bad experiences with people, leading to finding it hard to trust or be vulnerable.
Couples counselling in Newcastle (or online) can help you (and your partner if you feel this would be helpful) to understand attachment and how to best meet each other’s needs.
Since therapy is designed to be an environment in which you are listened to, discussing your difficulties can strengthen the communication between the two of you, either as a focus of the session or as a by-product of spending time together in a non-judgemental safe space.
3. Letting the Other Person Know How You Feel
Giving space to your feelings in a neutral setting with a trained relationship therapist can help come together to problem solve, and avoid getting stuck in reactionary arguing.
Having space to communicate and focus on your relationship problems is conducive to eradicating the difficulty, and helping to overcome feelings of insecurity in the relationship to resentment about past behaviour.
The relationship itself is the focal point of couples counselling, with the tools you can take away both as individuals and collectively being beneficial to you throughout the new year, and beyond.
Contact Us Today
If you would like to see how couples counselling in Newcastle can benefit you, contact us by filling in the box below or call us on 07966 645 198.

Best wishes,
Dr Stuart Sadler
Lead Clinical Psychologist