The Danger of Anger in Relationships

Relationships aren’t always easy, and nobody is perfect which sometimes makes it easy to become annoyed or angry at our partner’s behaviour. At the same time however, anger can be destructive, and so it’s important to be able to manage our frustration and be able to resolve difficulties and frustrations without it damaging relationships, or … Read more

How to Help your Child Deal with Difficult Emotions

Teaching your children how to regulate their emotions is an important part of being a parent, though this can be tough sometimes. Parenting doesn’t come with a guide or handbook, and it’s inevitable many parents will need advice, help or guidance at some point, especially if their child is having difficulties managing their emotions. If … Read more

The Importance of Good Communication in Relationships

Everyone has heard the phrase before that communication is key. Good communication is the best way to improve any relationship you have – especially romantic relationships. You might be wondering what happens when couples attend counselling sessions with a couples therapist in Jesmond or a nearby area in Newcastle to improve their communication and their … Read more

What is Work Depression?

If you find it hard to motivate yourself and get started on the pile of work in front of you in the morning, you are not alone. Many people experience low motivation around their job, though if you start to dread work in the evenings, it could be sign of work related depression. Work related … Read more

Symptoms of Depression in Men

The symptoms of depression can sometimes differ between men and women. While feeling persistently sad, lacking in motivation and loss of interest are common symptoms of depression, men are also more likely to experience anger outbursts, aggression and engage in substance abuse. If you have been dealing with similar feelings and it has been affecting … Read more

What can Hypnotherapy Treat?

Hypnotherapy has been used to help many people overcome a wide range of issues. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained hypnotherapy specialist helps to guide you into a relaxed state of consciousness and helps enact change through providing helpful messages directly to your subconscious. If you are seeking out hypnotherapy in Newcastle to help you … Read more

Are You Suffering from ‘Burnout’?

If you experience symptoms of depression, stress, or anxiety while you’re at work, you are not alone. Many people find their mood and anxiety worsen at work for a variety of reasons. These include the workplace being a stressful environment, increased workload, lack of job satisfaction, or conflict with colleagues. If this is left to … Read more

4 Anger Management Tips

If you suspect you have anger problems, there are steps you can take to reduce the impact of your anger and get it back under control. Anger should not be thought of as a negative emotion. When we label emotions as negative, we often end up feeling worse because not only do we have to … Read more

How to Help a Child with Anxiety

Anxiety can occur naturally for children as they get to grips with the world around them. If excessive worrying interferes with their ability to function at home, at school, or with making friends, it may have become a bigger problem. As we provide a safe space for children at our child psychology clinic, our trained … Read more