Anxiety is experienced in many ways and can interfere with day to day life at home, at work and in our relationships.
According to the NHS website, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is estimated to affect up to 5% of the UK population, with other forms of anxiety, such as social anxiety, health anxiety and OCD, stress and panic attacks also prevalent in today’s society.
Anxiety services in Newcastle (and online therapy for anxiety) are available, however, to help you manage the difficulties that anxiety can bring.
Here are some of the ways that anxiety management can help:
Reducing Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are characterised by thoughts and feelings of overwhelm, a feeling of needing to escape or get out of the situation and often worries about having a heart attack, stroke or a feeling of choking.
Sometimes, panic attacks can become so frequent that the individual develops a problem called panic disorder, which can be characterised by frequent panic attacks, which can lead to avoiding certain places, times or even people in order to avoid triggering one.
There are a range of techniques that help overcome panic attacks and panic disorder, no matter how long you have been experiencing it.
Therapists who offer anxiety services in Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling also advise breathing to a rhythm – usually a count of 3 – and to practice quick release techniques if you feel you are starting to panic to calm your nervous system and prevent a panic attack.
Other techniques that our psychologists and counsellors can help with involve thought challenging, behavioural experiments, defusion techniques, and grounding exercises that can be taught in session.
Reducing Overall Anxiety
For some, stress and anxiety might be considered a normal part of life, and while this is true, too much can cause problems and hold us back. If you are able to reduce your general level of anxiety, this can have a huge impact on your day to day effectiveness and the way you approach other challenging situations.
It is possible to reduce anxiety using techniques from talking therapies (such as CBT, ACT, Solution Focused Therapy and other talking therapies) to help you develop new ways of problem solving, and to learn skills that can effectively reduce your anxiety.
By developing a greater level of relaxation and reducing overall anxiety, this can increase your resilience and help you function better in day to day life as well as reduce pain and improve your physical health and lower risk of problems such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure among others.
Other approaches. such as meditation (our specialist Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Michael Atkinson, regularly works with people wanting to reduce their anxiety through meditation), can also be helpful as part of an overall strategy to help you manage your day-to-day stresses and avoid anxiety.
Improve Confidence and Performance
Anxiety (whether GAD, social anxiety, health anxiety, OCD, or other forms of anxiety) can often impact on confidence and self-esteem, leading to us being less effective and underperforming in day to day life.
By learning how to manage anxiety, it can help you to confidently challenge worrying thoughts (especially “What if…” type thinking), overcome avoidance and become more confident in day to day life.
All of our anxiety services and anxiety counsellors in Newcastle can help you overcome difficulties with anxiety using a range of approaches to ensure that your therapy is tailored to you and your lifestyle.
As well as helping you to manage anxiety, our team of psychologists, counsellors and therapists are able to help with some of the other problems that can come with anxiety, such as depression, insomnia, physical pain, anger, and a range of other difficulties that might also impact day to day life.
For More Information
Anxiety can cause a range of problems, and there is effective help available to manage both anxiety, and the difficulties that can come with it.
Even if you have had difficulties for a number of years, anxiety counselling with us at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling can be effective in helping you overcome your problems (whether this is your first time, or whether you’ve had counselling or therapy before).
Fill in the box below or call us 07966645198 today to speak to a member of the team about our anxiety services in Newcastle.
Best wishes,
Dr Stuart Sadler
Lead Clinical Psychologist