Is Online Therapy Useful?

There has been a recent resurgence in the number of websites and apps offering online therapy. Usually, the given promise is that you will be matched with a counsellor able to see you at your own convenience, however there is often no way of being able to check their expertise or to speak to them … Read more

Do I Need Counselling?

Counselling is a process in which you meet with a trained therapist to discuss personal problems and difficulties with your mental health in a non-judgemental, safe setting. If you have considered counselling in Newcastle, but are unsure of whether it is right for you, we discuss below how it can help. While there is no … Read more

Achieve Your Goals with Meditation

There is often a focus on meditation in modern psychology. Many people have heard that meditation can benefit their health and wellbeing, but did you know that meditation can help you achieve your personal life goals? If you have heard positive things about meditation and want to find good quality meditation services in Newcastle, our … Read more

How Meditation Can Help Anxiety

Many people in the UK suffer from anxiety and the problems that come with it. A lot of the people that experience anxiety only do so in certain situations or are ‘high-functioning’, meaning that they are still able to continue and function (sometimes to a high level) in spite of their difficulties with the problem. … Read more

Podcast Interview with KBK Coaching – Sleep Tips for Fitness

Interview for KBK Fitness – Kris Kane (Personal Trainer and Coach) and Dr Stuart Sadler (Clinical Psychologist & Sleep Specialist) at Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling). Published: 13 July 2022 KBK Fitness: Thanks a lot for giving up your time this afternoon. Really appreciate it. Just as we were just talking before, one thing I’m trying to do at … Read more

Stop Stressing with Talk Therapy

Whether the cause of your stress comes from a single event or you regularly find yourself more stressed than you’d like in daily life, specialist counselling for stress in Newcastle (or online counselling for stress) can help. As well as the mental effects of stress, such as feeling agitated, on edge, or worrying, there are … Read more

Is Online Therapy for Me?

Since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, working from home has become a part of many of our everyday lives. The offices that many bosses and employees thought were the only appropriate place for the tasks at hand are now not the only option and many continue to work from home. In fact, many … Read more

Deal with Anxiety & Panic Effectively

Anxiety is experienced in many ways and can interfere with day to day life at home, at work and in our relationships. According to the NHS website, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is estimated to affect up to 5% of the UK population, with other forms of anxiety, such as social anxiety, health anxiety and OCD, … Read more