Parental Tips for When Your Children are Angry

All children experience feelings of anger from time to time.   Understandably, children find it difficult to understand the difference between feeling angry and acting aggressively and part of being a parent involves helping children learn to manage their feelings in healthy ways. Our trained child counsellors in Jesmond are experienced in helping to teach … Read more

Healthy Anger Management

We all experience anger to varying degrees, and for many people they are able to manage their reaction in a way that doesn’t damage relationships or their environment. Like all emotions, it’s normal to feel angry, but if you find that you feel angry often or find you often react disproportionately, you could a wider … Read more

4 Anger Management Tips

If you suspect you have anger problems, there are steps you can take to reduce the impact of your anger and get it back under control. Anger should not be thought of as a negative emotion. When we label emotions as negative, we often end up feeling worse because not only do we have to … Read more

3 Coping Strategies That Make You Feel Worse

Stress can be overwhelming at times and, at other times, can sit just below the surface, causing us to seek out and use unhelpful coping mechanisms. After a long day at work, it can be tempting to reach for a glass of wine or a beer but alcohol, among many other common ways people try … Read more

5 Ways to Deal with Anger

Anger is an emotion that everybody experiences at some point and is a complex one which can take some unpacking. At Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling, our team of psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists help a lot of people with anger issues and there are a number of different psychotherapies we can use to help. Outside of … Read more

How to Effectively Manage Your Anger

Anger as an emotion is not a bad thing when channelled appropriately.  In some situations, anger can actually be a helpful feeling.  As an emotional response, anger informs us as to whether we think we are being treated unfairly, being taken advantage of, or are losing something important to us. As one of the hardwired … Read more

5 Essential Techniques to Deal with Anger – Anger Management Counselling in Newcastle

5 Essential Techniques to Deal with Anger – Anger Management Counselling in Newcastle Anger management counselling is aimed at helping people identify the situations that trigger anger and helping them learn effective techniques that help them keep calm in those settings. Through anger management counselling and therapy, it is possible to learn skills and techniques … Read more

What Problems can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Help with?

What Issues can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Help with? In this article about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), we look in more detail at the kinds of problems it helps with.  In the previous article, we discussed how CBT works and what a typical session involves. Next, we’ll explore options for how to stay well between … Read more