The Lesser Known but Effective Talking Therapies

At Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling, we specialise in being able to provide the best therapist for your problem.  We also know that every client is totally individual. While therapies like CBT or counselling are widely effective and widely known, for some people, combining these therapies with other approaches can be beneficial in helping you overcome … Read more

How to Effectively Manage Your Anger

Anger as an emotion is not a bad thing when channelled appropriately.  In some situations, anger can actually be a helpful feeling.  As an emotional response, anger informs us as to whether we think we are being treated unfairly, being taken advantage of, or are losing something important to us. As one of the hardwired … Read more

Getting Back on Track with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a talking therapy that examines how your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs affect your feelings and behaviour. It is an effective combination of Cognitive Therapy, which focuses on how your thoughts influence the way you feel and respond to certain situations, and Behavioural Therapy, which examines how what you do to … Read more

Is Your Child Struggling with Lockdown?

Being a child or young adult can be a confusing time as they continue to grow and have to learn to manage their emotions. During lockdown, many children and young people have been cut off from face-to-face social contact with their friends and peers, finding themselves unable to go outside in the way they want, … Read more

Insomnia Therapy: How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Did you know that a third of people have expressed having experienced having insomnia or trouble sleeping to their doctor? Anywhere between 10-40% of adults have trouble sleeping for at least a short period of time, and 10-15% of people with sleep trouble meet the criteria for what would be considered chronic or severe insomnia.  … Read more

Do You Need to Seek Counselling?

There are a whole number of reasons that people seek counselling in Newcastle upon Tyne, with many people using it as a stepping stone to help them deal with difficulties in life. Whether it’s to help with an ongoing problem, to deal with a traumatic life event or even to adapt to new life circumstances … Read more

Which Talking Therapy is Right for You?

Knowing you need help can be easy, but what type of therapy might work best for you? Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling offer a range of talking based therapies to help individuals, couples and families overcome their problems, manage life better, and get back to day-to-day functioning. A lot of people tend to think of counselling … Read more

How Does CBT Help with Depression?

Many people experience depression at least once in their life,  with depression being one of the most common causes of disability across the world. Its symptoms might vary depending on a variety of factors. Depression varies from person to person.  While some people might experience one episode and then never experience it again, others might … Read more

Podcast: Dr Stuart Sadler – “Analyse This: Mental Health in Film & TV”

Dr Stuart Sadler (Clinical Psychologist, Newcastle Psychologist & Counselling) and Dr Boo (Clinical Psychologist, Applied Psychology Solutions) discuss “The Machinest” – He can’t eat, he can’t sleep, and someone’s playing hangman on his fridge…. We talk about sleep and malnutrition, formulating what is driving the protagonist, and considering the film, the characters and the symbolism … Read more

How Do Psychologists Treat Depression?

Updated 8 October 2020 Depression affects around 1 in 5 people in the UK and influences how a person thinks, feels, and manages in everyday life.  Typically, symptoms of depression include a feeling of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in things previously enjoyed and a lack of motivation.  Symptoms of depression can vary, with … Read more